Safety Training Donders Institute

About this course
At the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour 600 researchers work on various studies. The research often includes working with subjects, who can be different in age and health. As a researcher, it is important to constantly observe the subject and to think ahead, so you can anticipate on unexpected events like fainting or quick breathing (hyperventilation). During the hands-on safety training you will learn to recognize the symptoms and learn which first aid measures you can take.
The training consists of three parts:

  • Part 1: Preparation (homework)
  • Part 2: Theory (training)
  • Part 3: Practice (training)

The combination of those three parts is important for a good learning yield. You will receive a reader to prepare yourself for the training session. The reader will also be helpful as a reference after the training, together with the presentation slides that you will receive afterwards. During the training session we will shortly address the theory, but the main focus will be on the practical exercise, when you practice the first aid skills on a Lotus-victim (a trained actor).

Aimed at
This course is aimed at researchers of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour.

You will learn
After the training the participant:

  • can recognize the most important side effects by its symptoms
  • knows what first aid measures must be taken and can provide first aid in practice.

Terms and conditions
All our offers, products and services are subjected to our Terms and Conditions.

More information?
Birgit Rissenbeek | Radboudumc Health Academy

Deze cursus is gratis


  1. artikel

    Reader 2023

  2. event

    Safety Training Donders Institute

    This is a safety training for researchers of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour.