Active Bystander Training



Active Bystander Training

Radboudumc sees social safety as a central condition for well-being, good collaboration, quality of research & teaching and (scientific) integrity. We are therefore committed to further promoting an inclusive and safe organizational culture.

How can you contribute to a safe culture?

Radboudumc organizes the Active Bystander Training. During this concise session, you will gain insight into how to respond adequately when you witness undesirable behavior.

Examples include:
• bullying in the workplace
• violation of scientific integrity
• sexual harassment
• implicit or explicit discrimination

What steps do you take to make a positive impact? You will learn four effective techniques and tactics for addressing people who show undesirable behavior. Setting boundaries prevents the continuation or normalization of unacceptable behavior.

NOTE: Sessions are offered in both English and Dutch. Check the event details for the language of instruction.

More information?
Kathleen Haenen | Radboudumc Research Institute for Medical innovation

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